How to Facilitate an Online Board Meeting

A virtual board meeting is a great method for the board of directors of a nonprofit to meet without the need to travel. However, virtual meetings may present unique challenges that must be addressed. Certain issues can be solved by using the appropriate tools for your board’s needs but others require more thought and attention. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help organize your online board meeting efficiently and effectively.

A well-planned agenda will maximize the effectiveness of your online board meeting. Be sure to have specific discussion items that are accompanied by an the time limit and desired conclusion for each item. This will keep meetings focused on the most important topics and eliminate the chance of discussions drifting off the topic or taking too long.

Before you begin your meeting, it’s a great idea to make sure that the members of your board are familiar with the tools and software they’ll require. Provide clear instructions on how to connect to the videoconference, and also encourage your board members to shut down any software that may interfere with audio or eat up bandwidth. Be sure to keep them out of brightly lit areas when they join in case others don’t see their screens.

The best tool to facilitate an online board meeting would be a collaboration app. This allows board members to quickly prepare for virtual meetings and attend the meetings. Choose an app with a boardbook builder that will assist you in reducing the time required to plan meetings. It should also have the capability to distribute agendas and meeting materials in advance. Find an app that allows real-time document sharing and allows participants to highlight documents and add annotations.